QuiteRSS adalah aplikasi RSS / Atom feed yang ditulis pada Qt / С + +, aplikai ini cukup cepat dan nyaman digunakkan, aplikasi ini memiliki fungsi Feed and news filters: baru, belum dibaca, dihapus (untuk berita sampai aplikasi restart), aplikasi ini membatu anda untuk mendapat pemberitahuan update feed dari internet, anda juga dapat menkonfigurasi proxy secara otomatis dan manual, anda juga dapa Aktifkan / Nonaktifkan gambar dalam pratinjau berita dan masih banyak fitur yang lainnya.
Yang Baru dari QuiteRSS :
Main: Increase productivity Main: Manual sort in feed's tree Added: Option "Hide feed's tree when opening tabs" Added: Option for news' list "Alternate row's background color" (Options->Feeds->General->...) Added: Ability to open several news in external browser Added: Ability to open several news in tabs Added: News filters: "Show for Last Day" и "Show for Last 7 Days" Added: Notification window: Button to open news in external browser Added: Ability to hide feed's indentation in tree ("Feeds->Show Indentation") Added: Ability to customize toolbar ("View->Customize toolbar->...") Added: Option "Show default rss-icon instead of favourite one" Added: Share news: Email, Evernote, Facebook, VK Added: Language: Ukrainian Added: Language: Chinese Added: Language: Czech Added: Language: Polish Added: Language: Japanese Changed: GUI. Visual tweaks Changed: Ability to change shortcuts: "CTRL+P" and "Enter" Changed: Dialog "Create filter": sort conditions by name Changed: Separate options "Use embedded or external browser" and "External browser selection" Changed: Focus unfocused window while clicking tray icon Changed: Adjust image width from media-content to browser width Changed: Folder properties. Added options similar to feed options Fixed: Some feeds displays short description instead of full Fixed: Recounting folder's counters Fixed: Shutdown of application while PC shutdown Fixed: Feed's tree when it contains more than 256 items Fixed: Cursor disappear in news list when sort changing Fixed: Import OPML-files Fixed: Notification window displays old news Fixed: Text encoding while parsing feed